MIS Academy Europe organises:
Intensive Laparoscopic Suturing
To regsiter please click below or contact MIS Academy via info@mis-academy.be
ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via academy.esge.org
in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.
GESEA Laparoscopic Suturing Course:
To register or if you have any further questions, regarding the GESEA Course
please contact francesca.ortenzi@molipharma.com
ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via academy.esge.org
in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.
GESEA Laparoscopic Suturing Course:
To register or if you have any further questions, regarding the GESEA Course
please contact francesca.ortenzi@molipharma.com
ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via academy.esge.org
in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.
Suturing Course + GESEA Certification Level 1 and Level 2
GESEA Level 1 Certification – 18 Sep, 08:30 → 18 Sep, 14:00
GESEA Level 2 Certification – 18 Sep, 14:00 → 18 Sep, 18:30