28th June 2024

Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn Vol. 16 Issue 2 | June 2024 OUT NOW!




Non-invasive imaging techniques for diagnosis of pelvic deep endometriosis and endometriosis classification systems: an International Consensus Statement†,‡

G. Condous, B. Gerges, I. Thomassin-Naggara, C. Becker, C. Tomassetti, H. Krentel,  B. J. van Herendael, M. Malzoni, M. S. Abrao, E. Saridogan, J. Keckstein, G. Hudelist and Collaborators


Robotic platforms in gynaecological surgery: past, present, and future

M. Pavone, A. Baroni, C. Taliento, M. Goglia, L. Lecointre, A. Rosati, A. Forgione, Cherif Akladios, G. Scambia, D. Querleu, J. Marescaux, B. Seeliger


Isthmoceles — Accuracy of imaging diagnosis and clinical correlation with histology: A prospective cohort study

B. Amro, M. Ramirez, R. Farhan, M. Abdulrahim, Z. Hakim, S. Alsuwaidi, E. Alzahmi, M. Tahlak, P.R. Koninckx, A. Wattiez

The anatomy of the pelvic plexus in female cadavers: implications for retroperitoneal nerve-sparing surgery

M. Mastronardi, D. Raimondo, M. Mabrouk, A. Raffone, M. Giorgi, G. Centini, E. Zupi, R. Seracchioli, M. Maletta, S. Ratti, W. M. O’guin, l. Manzoli, A. M. Billi


Early approach for the iatrogenic vesico-vaginal fistula repair: a video case report

M. Afonina, S. Waligora Lages, A. Liori, R. Botchorishvili

Intravesical misplacement of vaginal contraceptive ring: a video report and review of the literature

G. Panico, G. Campagna, S. Mastrovito, D. Arrigo, D. Caramazza, G. Scambia, A. Ercoli

Laparoscopic resection rectopexy (RRP) combined with mesh sacrocolpopexy (SCP) for obstructed defecation syndrome with pelvic organ prolapse in an interdisciplinary approach

C. Rudroff, S. Ludwig


Oxidised cellulose-based reaction mimicking a suspicious ovarian mass: a case report and a systematic review

R. Nasir, I. Alkiumi, E. Alzahmi, B. AlMaamari, H. Gharbi, Z. Hakim, P. Koninckx, A. Wattiez

Port-site hernia recurrence at previous 5-mm laparoscopic access: case report and review of literature

S. Restaino, G. Pellecchia, M. Arcieri, L. Del Pup, G. Bogani, L. Driul, G. Scambia, G. Vizzielli

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