Thursday 6 February 2025
18.00-19.30pm (UK time) 19.00-20.30pm (CET time)

Bsge.esge Webinar Feb 2025 Web

Euro-Chinese Consensus on Accessory Cavitated Uterine


Reviewer Comments Form

Deadline for comments: 7th December 2024

Comments to the document

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All comments will be revised by the working group and assessed. If the comment is accepted by the group, it will result in a modification of the document. If not, the working group will formulate a reply. The details of the review procedure, the comments, modifications and replies, and the names of experts contributing to the review will be summarized in a review report which will be available online.

Dear friends and colleagues,

The ESGE 33rd Annual Congress in Marseille, France will be an exceptional gathering, with an ambitious scientific program, where you can network with an international faculty of top specialists and peers in the field.

Watch the video below and find out all about the Congress and its Scientific Programme as ESGE President Professor Benoit Rabischong and Congress President Professor Revaz Botchorishvili present it to us:

To learn more and register, visit the Congress website:




Non-invasive imaging techniques for diagnosis of pelvic deep endometriosis and endometriosis classification systems: an International Consensus Statement†,‡

G. Condous, B. Gerges, I. Thomassin-Naggara, C. Becker, C. Tomassetti, H. Krentel,  B. J. van Herendael, M. Malzoni, M. S. Abrao, E. Saridogan, J. Keckstein, G. Hudelist and Collaborators


Robotic platforms in gynaecological surgery: past, present, and future

M. Pavone, A. Baroni, C. Taliento, M. Goglia, L. Lecointre, A. Rosati, A. Forgione, Cherif Akladios, G. Scambia, D. Querleu, J. Marescaux, B. Seeliger


Isthmoceles — Accuracy of imaging diagnosis and clinical correlation with histology: A prospective cohort study

B. Amro, M. Ramirez, R. Farhan, M. Abdulrahim, Z. Hakim, S. Alsuwaidi, E. Alzahmi, M. Tahlak, P.R. Koninckx, A. Wattiez

The anatomy of the pelvic plexus in female cadavers: implications for retroperitoneal nerve-sparing surgery

M. Mastronardi, D. Raimondo, M. Mabrouk, A. Raffone, M. Giorgi, G. Centini, E. Zupi, R. Seracchioli, M. Maletta, S. Ratti, W. M. O’guin, l. Manzoli, A. M. Billi


Early approach for the iatrogenic vesico-vaginal fistula repair: a video case report

M. Afonina, S. Waligora Lages, A. Liori, R. Botchorishvili

Intravesical misplacement of vaginal contraceptive ring: a video report and review of the literature

G. Panico, G. Campagna, S. Mastrovito, D. Arrigo, D. Caramazza, G. Scambia, A. Ercoli

Laparoscopic resection rectopexy (RRP) combined with mesh sacrocolpopexy (SCP) for obstructed defecation syndrome with pelvic organ prolapse in an interdisciplinary approach

C. Rudroff, S. Ludwig


Oxidised cellulose-based reaction mimicking a suspicious ovarian mass: a case report and a systematic review

R. Nasir, I. Alkiumi, E. Alzahmi, B. AlMaamari, H. Gharbi, Z. Hakim, P. Koninckx, A. Wattiez

Port-site hernia recurrence at previous 5-mm laparoscopic access: case report and review of literature

S. Restaino, G. Pellecchia, M. Arcieri, L. Del Pup, G. Bogani, L. Driul, G. Scambia, G. Vizzielli

Be cautious of fraudulent emails circulating about hotel room reservations.

Emails from “”,  or similar are NOT related to us!

Ensure you book your accommodation only through the official hotel booking service Voyages C. Mathez or another reputable site.

Always verify that any email you receive regarding your hotel booking is from the booking service you used before responding.

All ESGE congress participants are free to utilize the hotel booking service provided by Voyages C. Mathez.

A variety of hotels and room categories can be booked conveniently through their reservation website.

A contingent has been reserved for the faculty at the official speaker hotel. Please reserve the hotel via the online registration (once you received your registration letter).

For bookings of 10 rooms or more, special conditions will apply.

For all group requests, please contact Voyages C. Mathez at:

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE,

The ESGE Special Interest Group (SIG) Robotics in Collaboration with ESGE Official Journal Facts, Views & Vision are pleased to announce our next webinar:

June 20th 2024 | 7:00PM CET

How to Run a Gynaecological Robotic Surgery Centre 


Indications for Robotic Gynaecological Surgery: Pros and Cons for the Main Gynaecological Procedures L. de Landsheere

General and Procedure-Specific Tips and Tricks in Robotic Surgery L. Mereu

Learning Curves: How Many Procedures Do I Need to Become Proficient? D. Raimondo

Analysis of Costs and Benefits of Robotic Surgery R. A. de Leeuw

Organisation and Purpose of the New GESEA Robotics Programme B. Rabischong

Moderated by:

F. Fanfani | V. Zanagnolo | E. Saridogan

Spaces are limited - register now by following the link below:

The ESGE Advisory Board Elections applications for 2024 have closed and voting is now open for ESGE members.  Members will receive a unique link to vote from the voting platform directly.

In case you have not received this link or in case you have further questions, please send an e-mail to the ESGE Central Office:

Deadline for voting:  Wednesday 22nd May 2024

An opportunity to share and present your scientific work among the best specialists in the field of gynaecological endoscopy.


29th May 2024 23:59 CET

Submit your Abstract now for the ESGE 33rd Annual Congress in Marseille, France.

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are delighted to announce and welcome you to the ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme in Marseille, France taking place from 23rd to 25th October 2024.
This year, the selected participants will have the opportunity to experience the Exchange in various French cities, immersing themselves in the medical expertise that France has to offer, while also taking the opportunity to take in the rich culture and history.

This exchange will serve as a valuable prelude to the upcoming ESGE 33rd Annual Congress (attendance at the ESGE Congress is mandatory for those selected for the YEP-Exchange)
The ESGE-YEP Exchange brings together trainees from around Europe to improve standards, encourage research and promote training and exchange of information in gynaecological endoscopy.

Application YEP Exchange

Application for the YEP Exchange is now open.
We can host one trainee from each YEP member country during the ESGE-YEP Exchange from 23rd to 25th October 2024.
For any inquiries and further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

The registration fee for the selected Exchangees is €150 per person* (to be paid via bank transfer upon selection). Please note that flights, accommodation, visa (if applicable), food, and beverage expenses will be borne by the Exchangee.

Host Country

France has been selected to host the ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme 2024, dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field of gynaecological endoscopy. Renowned for its exceptional contributions to medical science and education, France stands as a beacon of excellence for professionals and scientists in this specialised field.
France is home to a vibrant medical community and has contributed to numerous breakthroughs and innovations in the field of gynaecological endoscopy, following the inception of laparoscopy in Clermont-Ferrand more than 30 years ago.
During your time in France, you will have the unique opportunity to engage with distinguished experts and researchers in gynaecological endoscopy. The host cities, including Paris, Marseille, Lille, Nimes, Reims, Angers, Nice, Rouen, St. Etienne, Limoges, Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon and Nancy, serve as hubs of medical excellence, housing world-renowned universities, research institutions, and specialised clinics. These vibrant cities offer a conducive environment for scientific discourse and collaboration, allowing you to expand your network and foster meaningful professional connections.
In addition to the academic pursuits, France invites you to experience its renowned cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of historical landmarks, and of course enjoy French cuisine and wines. From architectural marvels to renowned art museums, France’s cultural tapestry will enrich your stay and offer a well-rounded experience beyond the scientific realm.

ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme

The ‘Exchangees’ are encouraged to arrive on Tuesday evening (22nd October) and stay until Friday 25th of October in their host hospital. During the working hours, the ‘Exchangees’ will be in the hospital with their contact person. After the hospital’s hours, the social programme will include sightseeing tours, integration in the city culture and lifestyle, enjoying daily life, etc. The scope and type of the social programme might vary from city to city. 

ESGE 33rd Annual Congress 2024

All the Exchangees are welcome to join the Sessions designed for young doctors on Sunday the 27th of October during the ESGE 33rd Annual Congress.



We are happy to host one trainee from each YEP member country on the ESGE-YEP Exchange from 23rd till 25th of October 2024. For any inquiries, feel free to contact

*Participation in the exchange programme is exclusively reserved for registered congress participants.


The registration price for the selected ESGE-YEP Exchangee is €150 per Exchangee* *Flights, Accommodation, Visa (if applicable), food and beverage; at cost of the Exchangee


From 23rd to 25th October 2024.


Conception hospital (University hospital - Marseille)

Responsible Person: Prof Agostini

HPP – Provence Private Hospital (Marseille)

Responsible Person: Dr Estrade

Institution website:, |

CHU of Nîmes

Responsible Person: Prof De Tayrac

Institution website:

CHU of Reims

Responsible Person: Prof Graesslin

Institution website:

Hôpital privé Le Bois (Lille)

Responsible Person: Prof Collinet

Institution website:

CHU of Angers

Responsible Person: Dr Loury

Institution website:

CHU of Nice

Responsible Person: Dr Gauci

Institution website:

CHU of Lille

Responsible Person: Dr Lallemant

Institution website:,

CHU of Limoges

Responsible Person: Prof Gauthier

Institution website:

CHU of Rouen

Responsible Person: Dr Crochet

Institution website:

CHU of Saint Etienne

Responsible Person: Prof Chauleur

Institution website:

CHU of Clermont-Ferrand

Responsible Person: Prof Rabischong

APHP Béclère (Paris)

Responsible Person: Prof Deffieux

APHP Bichat (Paris)

Responsible Person: Prof Koskas

CHU of Lyon

Responsible Person: Prof Dubernard, Dr Nguyen Ba

Institution website:

CHRU Nancy

Responsible Person: Dr Harter

Institution website:


Estimated cost between €80 – €120 per night.  

Don’t miss the opportunity to become part of the ESGE Young Doctors Community!

The application period has closed. No further applications are accepted.


The glass ceiling of endometriosis surgeons is research
P.R. Koninckx, A. Ussia, S.W. Guo, E. Saridogan

Breast cancer screening in women taking hormone replacement therapy needs updating
P. R. Koninckx, A. Ussia, G. Page

Impact of congenital uterine anomalies on obstetric and perinatal outcomes: systematic review and meta-analysis
M. Caballero Campo, F. Pérez Milán, M. Carrera Roig, E. Moratalla Bartolomé, J. A. Domínguez Arroyo, J.L. Alcázar Zambrano, L. Alonso Pacheco, J. Carugno

The role of minimally invasive surgery in gynaecological cancer: an overview of current trends
D. Balafoutas, N. Vlahos

Lessons learnt from the multi-centre LAparoscopic Versus Abdominal hysterectomy (LAVA) randomised controlled trial
L. Antoun, S. Bevan, A. Mahmud, L. Jones, L. Middleton, R. Woolley, P. Smith, B. Z. Sairally, E. Saridogan, K. Cooper, T. J. Clark

Reproducibility of #Enzian classification by transvaginal ultrasound and its correlation with symptoms
C. Russo, L. Lazzeri, T. Siciliano, A. Selntigia, D. Farsetti, C. Chiaramonte, F. G. Martire, E. Zupi, C. Exacoustos

Current opinion on large-scale prospective myomectomy databases toward evidence-based preconception and antenatal counselling utilising a standardised myomectomy operation note
S. M. Strong, A. A. McDougall, A. M. Abdelmohsen, A. Maku, A. Dehnel, R. Mallick, F. Odejinmi

The Clinical Significance of Subtle Distal Fallopian Tube Abnormalities: A Multicentre Prospective Observational Study
X. Zheng, X. Yu, X. Xie, G. Lyu, J. Niu, X. Li, H. Chen, A. Watrelot, J. Guan

Defining a Uterine Extraction Score based on a Volume/Access Ratio in Total Hysterectomy: a retrospective cohort study
S. Schoenen, L. de Landsheere

Innovative Cadaveric Technique: Utilising n-Butyl Cyanoacrylate (n-BCA) for Deep Endometriosis Excision Simulation in Minimal Invasive Surgery Training
M. Mabrouk, S. Mahgoub, A. Vashisht, R. Seracchioli

The first robotic-assisted hysterectomy below the bikini line
with the Dexter robotic system™

I. Alkatout, T. Becker, P. Nuhn, J. Pochhammer, G. Peters, K. M. Donald, L. Mettler, J. Ackermann

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