The latest issue (Vol. 15, Issue 3, September 2023) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!


Evidence-based and experience-based medicine, which comes first:
the chicken or the egg?

B. Ata, E. Saridogan


Minimally invasive pelvic exenteration for gynaecological malignancies:
the challenge of patients’ selection

N. Bizzarri, V. Chiantera, M. Loverro, A. Ercoli, G. Vizzielli, G. Scambia


A proof of concept that experience-based management of endometriosis can complement evidence-based guidelines

A. Wattiez, L. Schindler, A. Ussia, R. Campo, J. Keckstein, G. Grimbizis,
C. Exacoustos, W. Kondo, C. Nezhat, M. Canis, R.L. De Wilde, C. Miller, A. Fazel,
B. Rabischong, A. Graziottin, P.R. Koninckx

Efficiency based updating of evidence based surgical guidelines - Experiences from a multidisciplinary guideline upon Minimally Invasive Surgery

F.H.M.P. Tummers, S.F.P.J. Coppus, B.W. Lagerveld, A. Demirkiran,
E.S. van Schrojenstein Lantman, T.A. Brouwer, W.A. Draaisma, F.W. Jansen

Development and validation of GLVS (Generic Laparoscopic Video Scoring System), a tool for assessment of laparoscopic skills in gynaecology using videotaped procedures: Are edited videos representative of their full-length version?

S. Khazali, A. Bachi, T.T. Carpenter, A. Moors, K. Ballard

Long term sexual outcomes of Mayer Rokitansky Küster Hauser Syndrome patients after Uncu-modified Davydov procedure

K. Aslan, T.B. Gurbuz, A. Orhan, I. Kasapoglu, K. Ozerkan, G. Uncu

Implementation of robot-assisted myomectomy in a large university hospital: a retrospective descriptive study

M. Tahapary*, S. Timmerman*, A. Ledger, K. Dewilde, W. Froyman

Perspectives on training in obstetrics and gynaecology during the COVID-19 pandemic: Thematic analysis of trainee responses from a pan-European survey

H. Khattak, F. Broekhurst, G. Topcu, A. Horala, M. Henriques, H. Woodman

An institutional study: Does Body Mass Index influence surgical approach, surgical morbidities, and outcomes in endometrial cancer patients?

P. Español, A. Luzarraga, N. Teixeira, C. Soler, R. Luna-Guibourg, R. Rovira


Practice of laparoscopic prolapse surgery in Europe – ESGE Survey

B. Lambert, L. de Landsheere, GK. Noé, R. Devassy, H. Ferreira, J. Dubuisson,
J. Deprest, R. Botchorishvili


vNOTEsHC : Hysterectomy by transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery versus laparoscopic for large uteri: study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial

J. Druenne, E. Presles, T. Corsini, S. Campagne Loiseau, S. Curinier,
A. Mansour, G. Lamblin, Q. Reboul, C. Chauleur


Isthmocele correction: resectoscopic, laparoscopic or both?

C. Smet, B. Nogueira, D. Vilarinho, I. Rodrigues, J. Reis

Dear friends and colleagues,

Watch the video of our ESGE President, Prof. B. Rabischong, as he elaborates on the reasons to join us for this year ESGE 32nd Annual Congress Brussels Belguim with the stunning view from The French Seven Mountains see the video below:


Dear friends and colleagues,

The ESGE 32nd Annual Congress, in the heart of Europe – Brussels, presents you with the opportunity to share your scientific work and Join a global audience and engage with a distinguished international faculty of experts in the field.

Find out why registering for the congress is a must by watching the captivating video filmed by our Scientific Chair Professor Di Spiezio Sardo at a stunning Cortina Dolomites! 🏔️ below:

The latest issue (Vol. 15, Issue 2, June 2023) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!


Statistics, truth finding and predictions: what every gynaecologist and researcher should know

P. R. Koninckx, A. Wattiez, E. Saridogan


The use of a short course of Ulipristal Acetate for acute abnormal uterine bleeding in women without uterine fibroids

I. Lambrecht, T. Van den Bosch

Eyes, menstruation and endometriosis

S. Rahman, Y. Youssef, G. Maroun, D. Inaty, M.H. Kheil, G. Moawad


M. Frijlingh, R.A. de Leeuw, L.J.M. Juffermans, T. van den Bosch, J.A.F. Huirne

The value of pre-operative outpatient flexible sigmoidoscopy in patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis

T. Sewell, M. Orchard, O. O’Donovan, R.J. Longman

Validation of the Turkish version of Endometriosis Health Profile questionnaire (EHP-30) to evaluate the quality of life in women with endometriosis

E. Darici, M. N. C. Kemahlı, P. Y. Bahat, B. Yücel, E. Oral

Live birth rate per transfer is not impacted by the proportion of smooth endoplasmatic reticulum aggregates oocytes

A. Spileers, I. De Croo, D. Stoop, F. Vanden Meerschaut


MRI enhances the understanding of critical anatomy during primary laparoscopic port placement

E.A. Layden, R.R. Chodankar, L.E. Kershaw, M. Madhra


Laparoscopic repair of an anterior perineal hernia: a video presentation

I. Furuie, A. Quevedo, P. Tovar, F. Santos, M. Zomer, G. Castro, W. Kondo

Laparoscopic management of a second trimester ruptured spontaneous heterotopic tubal
pregnancy mimicking ovarian tumour, a case report

N. Kathopoulis, M. Diakosavvas, K. Kypriotis, I. Chatzipapas, E. Domali, A. Protopapas

Vaginal Leiomyomas - Safe steps for laparoscopic removal: feasibility from 3 case reports

E. Giovannopoulou, S. Kogeorgos, A. Lazaridis, G. Pistofidis

Complete uterine septum, double cervix, and longitudinal vaginal septum: an integrated approach for one-stop diagnosis and ultrasound-guided endoscopic treatment

F. Pozzati, M. Mirandola, G. Topozouva, L. Parodi, A. Carla Testa, G. Scambia, U. Catena

Laparoscopic suture sacrohysteropexy: A meshless uterine-sparing technique for surgical management of uterine prolapse

N. Thanatsis, M. Ben Zvi, A.S. Kupelian, A. Vashisht


Partial bicorporeal uterus with unexpected cervical findings and a longitudinal obstructing vaginal septum – a case report

H. Ahmad, B. Pouseele

Pudendal Neuralgia: Two case reports with laparoscopic nerve decompression

N. Habib, J. S. Klebanoff, R. Fernandes, M. Giorgi, G. N. Moawad, J. Bakar

Dear colleagues and friend of the ESGE,

This year the ESGE 32nd Annual Congress will take place in the heart Europe – Brussels.

The local scientific committee Dr S. Karampelas and Dr H. Van Kerrebroeck share exciting details about the upcoming Congress.

Please click below and see what they have to say:


June 2023 – Out now!

We are pleased to present another issue of ESGEVISION, full of news and information related to our society and gynaecological endoscopy. 

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE,

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE), Special Interest Groups (SIG) Hysteroscopy and Reproductive Surgery in collaboration with the ESGE Official Journal Facts, Views and Vision invite you to join this webinar entitled:

Dysmorphic (T-, Y- or I-SHAPE) uterus and reproductive outcomes

Date: 11th July 2023

Time: 19.00 - 20.30 CET


Please click below to register and to view the webinar programme:

Dear friends and colleagues,

The YEP Exchange application is now closed,
and we, at ESGE, would like to express our gratitude for your participation in
the YEP Exchange Programme application for this year.
By the end of this week, you will receive a notification regarding the status of your application.

We are delighted to announce and welcome you to the 2023 ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme in Belgium, taking place from 27th to 29th September 2023.
This year, the selected participants will have the opportunity to experience the Exchange in various Belgian cities, immersing themselves in the medical expertise that Belgium has to offer, while also taking the opportunity to take in the rich culture and history.
This exchange will serve as a valuable prelude to the upcoming ESGE 32nd Annual Congress (attendance at the ESGE Congress is mandatory for those selected for the YEP-Exchange)
The ESGE-YEP Exchange brings together trainees from around Europe to improve standards, promote training and encourage research and exchange of information in gynaecological endoscopy

Application YEP Exchange

Application for the YEP Exchange is now closed.
We can host one trainee from each YEP member country on the ESGE-YEP Exchange from 27th to 29th September 2023.
For any inquiries and further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

The registration fee for selected Exchangee is €150 per person* (to be paid via bank transfer upon selection). Please note that flights, accommodation, visa (if applicable), food, and beverage expenses will be borne by the Exchangee.

Host Country

Belgium has been selected to host the 2023 ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme, dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field of gynaecological endoscopy. Renowned for its exceptional contributions to medical science and education, Belgium stands as a beacon of excellence for professionals and scientists in this specialised field.
Situated between France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the North Sea, Belgium is home to a vibrant medical community that has contributed to numerous breakthroughs in the field of gynaecological endoscopy.
During your time in Belgium, you will have the unique opportunity to engage with distinguished experts and researchers in gynaecological endoscopy. The host cities, including Brussels, Liège, Leuven, Ghent, Genk, serve as hubs of medical excellence, housing world-renowned universities, research institutions, and specialised clinics. These vibrant cities offer a conducive environment for scientific discourse and collaboration, allowing you to expand your network and foster meaningful professional connections.
In addition to the academic pursuits, Belgium invites you to experience its rich cultural heritage and warm hospitality. Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of historical landmarks, the charming ambiance of medieval towns, and enjoy the local cuisine that has earned global acclaim. From architectural marvels to renowned art museums, Belgium's cultural tapestry will enrich your stay and offer a well-rounded experience beyond the scientific realm.

ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme

The ‘Exchangees’ are encouraged to arrive on Tuesday evening (26th September) and stay until Friday 30th of September in their host hospital. During the working hours, the ‘Exchangees’ will be in the hospital with their contact person. After the hospital’s hours, the social programme will include sightseeing tours, integration in the city culture and lifestyle, enjoying daily life, etc. The scope and type of the social programme might vary from city to city. 

ESGE 32nd Annual Congress 2023

All the Exchangees are welcome to join the Sessions designed for young doctors on Sunday the 1st of October during the ESGE 32nd Annual Congress, taking place in the Brussels Expo.



We are happy to host one trainee from each YEP member country on the ESGE-YEP Exchange from 27th till 29th of September 2023. For any inquiries, feel free to contact

*Participation in the exchange programme is exclusively reserved for registered congress participants.


The registration price for the selected ESGE-YEP Exchangee is €150 per Exchangee* *Flights, Accomodation, Visa (if applicable), food and beverage; at cost of the Exchangee


From 27th September 2023 to 29th October 2023.

Centers for the Exchange Programme

Brussels (CHU Brugmann Brussels)
Brussels (CHU St Pierre Brussels)
Genk (ZOL Genk – Life Expert Centre)
Ghent (UZ Ghent)
Leuven (UZ Leuven)
Liege (CHU Citadelle Liège)
Liege (CHU Liège)
Lille (Hopital privé le Bois Groupe Ramsay I Lille Métrople )


Brussels, Leuven, Genk, and Liège (estimated cost between €80 – €120 per night).  

Don't miss the opportunity to become part of the ESGE Young Doctors Community!

More info click below

For further insights into the participants of past YEP Exchange programs, click the link below

The  Scientific Programme is now online for the ESGE 32nd Annual Congress which will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 1st-4th October 2023.  

The Scientific Committee has developed a programme to offer the participants a full schedule of  high qualityevidence-based topics and Live Surgeries from contemporary developments in various disciplines of Gynaecological Endoscopy. 

*Preliminary programme, please bear in mind changes can occur.

Dear friends and colleagues from Asia,

Dr R. Devassy, an ESGE Overseas Advisory Board Member, shares his enthusiasm about this year Abstract Submission and encourages all Asian professionals to submit their scientific work.

He truly hopes to see Asian Abstract Submitters presenting their work in Best Selected Abstract and Plenary Sessions.

We look forward to seeing you at this year ESGE Congress in Brussels!


please click below to watch the full video:
