Dear friends and colleagues,

For the ESGE Spanish speaking audience, Dr Alonso Pacheco, Chairman of the Global Congress on Hysteroscopy and an ESGE Executive Board Member, shares a video in which he invites you to submit your Abstract and attend the ESGE 32nd Annual Congress in Brussels!

please click below to watch full video:

Dear friends and colleagues,

The ESGE 32nd Annual Congress, in the heart of Europe – Brussels is a great opportunity to share your scientific work and accomplisments amongst international faculty of top specialists in the flied and an audience from all over the world!

Watch the video below and find out what Prof Nisolle has to say about:

What is the THEME and the AIM of the congress?
Why to attend the ESGE Congress and join the PC Courses on Sunday?
What is YEP-Exchange?

An opportunity to share and present your scientific work with and amongst the best specialists in the field of gynaecologoy endoscopy from all over the world.


30th May 2023 23:59 CET

Submit your Abstract now for this year ESGE 32nd Annual Congress.

Registration is now open for the ESGE 32nd Annual Congress which will take place in Brussels, Belgium on 1st - 4th October 2023.  

Please keep in mind that the registration deadline for Abstract Submitters is 19th July 2023.

Register and join us in Brussels amongst the best professionals and scientists the field of gynaecological endoscopy!

To register, please click below:

More information can be found on our congress website: 

If you have any questions regarding congress registration please contact:

For any Abstract related questions or assistance please contact: 

Looking forward to welcoming you in Brussels! 

Dear friends and colleagues,

The ESGE 32nd Annual Congress, in the heart of Europe - Brussels, presents you with the opportunity to share your scientific work and accomplisments amongst international faculty of top specialists in the flied and an audience from all over the world!

To hear more about this year ESGE Congress and Abstract Submission

from Professor Di Spiezio Sardo himself,

please click below:

From the OR, Professor Tanos has a special message to

all professionals in the filed of gynaecological endoscopy!

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE

We are pleased to inform you that the webinar of ESGE The Special Interest Group (SIG) Education in ObGyn: Step-by-Step approach to becoming a MIGS Expert following GESEA Programme pathway is now available on demand!

ESGE Webinar Experts Faculty:

Welcome & Introduction:

Prof. H. Ferreira


Dr. F. Campolo & Prof. H. Ferreira

Prof. P. Crochet & Dr. S. Maia

Dr. G. Centini & Prof. Wallwiener

Dr. R. Rovira & Dr. U. Catena

If you missed the opportunity to view this webinar live, you can now register to view the on demand version and for those who were present live, you can revisit the webinar at any time.

Enrol for FREE

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE

We are pleased to inform you that the webinar of ESGE in collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision this webinar organised by The ESGE Special Interest Group (SIG) Quality, Safety & Legal Aspects in ObGyn: Key Skills to Improve Surgical Quality and Safety is now available on demand!

ESGE/FVVO Webinar Experts Faculty:


Prof. E. Saridogan, Prof. M. Nisolle


Prof. E. Saridogan, Prof. M. Nisolle


Prof. A. Wattiez & Dr. S. Maia

Prof. V. Tanos & Prof. A. Watrelot

If you missed the opportunity to view this webinar live, you can now register to view the on demand version and for those who were present live, you can revisit the webinar at any time.

Enrol for FREE

The latest issue (Vol. 15, Issue 1, March 2023) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!


Fertility-sparing treatment for patients with endometrial carcinoma

T. Ind


ESGO/ESHRE/ESGE Guidelines for the fertility-sparing treatment of patients with endometrial carcinoma

A. Rodolakis, G. Scambia, F. Planchamp, M. Acien, A. Di Spiezio Sar do, M. Farr ugia, M. Grynberg , M. Pakiž, K. Pavlaki s, N. Vermeulen, G. Zannoni, I. Zapardiel, K.L. Tryde Macklon


Laparoscopic selection for surgery in epithelial ovarian cancer. A short review

V. Ghirardi, A. Fagotti, G. Scambia


Use of oral GnRH antagonists combined therapy in the management of symptomatic uterine fibroids

A. Di Spiezio Sardo, F. Ciccarone, L. Muzii, G. Scambia, M. Vignali


N. Manobharath, J. Lewin, M. Hirsch, J. Naftalin, A. Vashisht, A. Cutner, E. Saridogan

Diagnosis and treatment of early-stage endometriosis by transvaginal hydro laparoscopy

S. Gordts, P. Putt emans, I. Segaert, M. Valkenburg, V. Schutyser, R. Campo, Sy. Gordts

Hysteroscopic myomectomy with the IBS® Intrauterine Bigatti Shaver: A Retrospective Comparative Analysis of the impact of rotational speed and aspiration flow rate

S. Zhang, W. Di, Y. Wang, J. Shi, X. Yin, Y. Zhang, A. Zhao, R. Campo, G. Bigatti

Estro-progestin and progestogen intake: what’s the impact on hysteroscopic imaging?

G. Garuti, M. Colonnelli, A. Soliani, C. Lubrano, M. Soligo

The revival of vaginal surgery in the era of endoscopy: V-NOTES initial experience with a series of 32 patients

J. Raquet, L. Namèche, M. Nisolle, F. Closon


A new surgical approach for fertility-sparing management of diffuse endometrial G2 endometrioid adenocarcinoma: a step-by-step technique

U. Catena, M. Mirandola, F.M. Capomacchia, F. Fanfani, G. Scambia

HUGOTM RAS System in urogynaecology: the first nerve sparing Sacral Colpopexy for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

G. Panico, G. Campagna, D. Caramazz a, L. Vacca, S. Mastrovit o, A. Ercoli, G. Scambia

Indocyanine Green tattooing for marking the caudal excision margin of a full-thickness vaginal endometriotic nodule

S. Khazali, B. Mondelli, K. Fleischer, M. Adamczyk


Obituary for Professor Ivo Brosens

S. Gordts, J. Deprest

The ESGE Advisory Board Elections applications for 2023 have closed and voting is now open for ESGE members.  Members will receive a unique link to vote from the voting platform directly.

In case you have not received this link or in case you have further questions, please send an e-mail to the ESGE Central Office:

Deadline for voting:  Monday 10th April 2023

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE,

ESGE in Collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision invites you to join this webinar organised by The ESGE Special Interest Group (SIG) Quality, Safety & Legal Aspects.

Webinar Title: Key Skills to Improve Surgical Quality and Safety

The presentations will be given by leading experts in the field.

Join us for this webinar!

Date: 30th March 2023

Time: 19:00 – 20:30 CET

Price: FREE of charge

Please click below to register and to view the webinar programme:
