Dear friends and colleagues of ESGE,

We would like to sincerely thank you for joining us at the
ESGE 31 Annual Congress in Lisbon!

The aim of the ESGE Congress was to be an international stage for scientific exchange and collaboration! We are truly grateful for your participation, dedication, scientific work, and input.

Without you, this would not have been possible!

Only together we can make a difference!

The latest issue (Vol. 14, Issue 3, September 2022) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!



Outcome reporting for heavy menstrual bleeding

T.J. Clark


Variation of outcome reporting in studies of interventions for heavy menstrual bleeding: a systematic review

N.A.M. Cooper, R. Papadantonaki, S. Yorke, K.S. Khan

Obturator nerve endometriosis: A systematic review of the literature

A. Kale, Y. Aboalhasan, E.C. Gündoğdu, T. Usta, E. Oral


Endometrial polypectomy using tissue removal device or electrosurgical snare: a randomised controlled trial

J. van Gemert, M.C. Herman, P. Beelen, P.M Geomini, M.Y. Bongers

Preoperative pain measurements in correlation to deep endometriosis classification with Enzian. Deep endometriosis classification in relation to pain

J. Metzemaekers, M.D. Blikkendaal, K.E. v. Nieuwenhuizen, K. Bronsgeest, J.P.T. Rhemrev, M.J.G.H. Smeets, J. English, F.W. Jansen, S. Both, A.R.H. Twijnstra

The ongoing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on endometriosis patients: A survey of 1,089 UK patients

J.I. Spencer, G. Mezquita, F. Shakir

“Learning from the experts” – a novel advanced cadaveric course for Gynaecological Oncology (GO) Cytoreductive Surgery

M. Sideris, A.M. Elshaer, R.L. Johnson, S. Kotwal, S. Mehta, A. Quyn, R. Saunders, J. Tiernan, V. Upasani, G. Theophilou

V-NOTES hysterectomy under spinal anaesthesia: A pilot study

E.C. Gündoğdu, E. Mat, Y. Aboalhasan, G. Yıldız, G. Başol, K. Tolga Saraçoğlu, G. Arslan, A. Kale


Endometrial preservation during resection of type II and type III submucosal fibroids

G. Vorona, E. Saridogan

A rare case of extrauterine schwannoma-ike leiomyoma after transvaginal hysterectomy: laparoscopic management

M. Medvediev, A. Tinelli

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the Official Abstracts Publication of the ESGE 31st Annual Congress is now available online.


September 2022 – Out now!

We are pleased to present another issue of ESGEVISION, full of news and information related to our society and gynaecological endoscopy. 

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE,

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and its official sponsor Karl Storz are pleased to announce a webinar on The Use of ICG in Endometriosis Surgery which will take place on 20th of September 2022. The presentations will be given by leading experts. An opportunity not to be missed!


Date: 20th September 2022

Time: 17:00 – 18:30 CET

Price: 20 euro plus VAT

Chairman and Speakers

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are delighted to welcome Dr Gaby Moawad as a keynote speaker in Lisbon at the ESGE 31st Annual Congress 2022! 

Dr Moawad will be giving a keynote lecture entitled: The roadmap to automated surgery!

Please click below to see a short video of Dr Moawad sharing his enthusiasm about the special gathering at our Congress. 

Register and join us in Lisbon among the brightest minds in the field of gynaecological endoscopy!  

Excellence is a habit!

Gynaecological endoscopy at its best!

The latest issue (Vol. 14, Issue 2, June 2022) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official of journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!

Highlighted Articles:


The case for standardising robotic curriculum globally

G. Moawad, S. Rahman, E. Saridogan


Endometrial biopsy under direct hysteroscopic visualisation versus blind endometrial sampling for the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis

A. Di Spiezio Sardo, G. Saccone, J. Carugno, L.A. Pacheco, B. Zizolfi, S. Haimovich, T.J. Clark

Original Articles:

Surgical and functional impact of nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy for parametrial deep endometriosis: a single centre experience

A. Rosati, M. Pavone, F. Campolo, A. De Cicco Nardone, D. Raimondo, R. Seracchioli, G. Scambia, M.M. Ianieri

3D transvaginal ultrasound diagnosis of uterine septa according to different classifications: are there other measurements that correlate to reproductive outcome in small indentation length?

C. Russo, F. Conway , T. Siciliano, A. Selntigia, F. Giuseppe Martire, G. Soreca, C. Ticconi, C. Exacoustos

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE

We are pleased to inform you that the webinar of ESGE in collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn:

Uterine niches: Controversies in diagnosis and management, organised by the ESGE Niche Working Group is now available on demand!

ESGE/FVVO Webinar Experts Faculty:


Prof. E. Saridogan & Michelle Nisolle (BE)


Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo (IT)

 Judith Huirne (NL)

Robert De Leeuw (NL)

Olivier Donnez (FR)

If you missed the opportunity to view this webinar live, you can now register to view the on demand version and for those who were present live, you can revisit the webinar at any time.

Price: EUR 20 + VAT

ESGE is happy to announce

The attached Consensus Intentions Document that was agreed and signed by ESGE, GCH and AAGL during the HTRS event in Malaga 27th May 2022. 

The three parties agreed that:

"Blind intrauterine procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes should be avoided


Intrauterine surgical procedures should be performed under direct visualization when the existing level of evidence supports it andthe technology is available

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE

We are pleased to inform you that the webinars of ESGE in collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn are Now Available On Demand!

Get access now to the recordings of ESGE Webinars and Online Congresses.

Please see below all the available webinars or visit the ESGE Academy website for more.


Controversies in Deep Endometriosis: Facts, Views and Vision

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

The presentations are given by leading experts in the field.

Price: 24.20euro

Demonstration with Cadaveric Dissection, Pelvic Anatomy for Gynaecological Surgery: All you need to know on Retroperitoneum and Pelvic Nerves

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

The presentations is be given by leading experts and includes demonstration with cadaveric dissection.

Sign up to watch the recording of this high-level webinar.

Price: 24.20euro

Alternatives to Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

This SIG Urogynecology of the ESGE in collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn has organised a webinar on Alternatives to Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy.

Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy is considered as the gold standard in management of pelvic organ prolapse. The aim of this webinar is to deliver topical lectures on alternatives to this technique with a panel of internationally recognised experts.

This webinar presents indications, technical aspects, tips and tricks and surgical outcomes of alternative management of POP by pectopexy, lateral suspension or laparoscopic native tissue repair. The second part of this session presents alternatives to currently available meshes, the learning aspects as well as the long-term outcomes and nature of recurrences.

Price: 24.20euro

Controversies in Deep Endometriosis: from Diagnosis to Surgery, an Interdisciplinary Challenge

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

Enrol for these recordings to watch this high-level webinar where the panel of internationally recognised experts delivered topical lectures on Controversies in Deep Endometriosis: from Diagnosis to Surgery, an Interdisciplinary Challenge followed by a Questions and Answers session.

Price: 24.20euro

No need for septum incision: is it true?

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

It is generally accepted that septate uterus is related to impaired reproductive outcome. Although septum incision could be applied as a safe and successful treatment option for at least the symptomatic patients (recurrent pregnancy loss, infertility), there is a continuous debate if there is a real indication for treating patients with septate uterus. A recent publication in Human Reproduction opened again the discussion.

Price: 24.20euro

Uterine niches: Controversies in diagnosis and management

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and its official journal Facts, Views & Vision host this webinar on Uterine Niches: Controversies in diagnosis and management, organised by the ESGE Niche Working Group. The presentations will be given by leading experts in the field.

Price: 24.20euro

Step-by-Step approach to becoming A MIGS expert following GESEA Programme pathway

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and The Special Interest Group (SIG) Education and Training organise a webinar entitled: Step-by-Step approach to becoming a MIGS expert following GESEA Programme pathway. The presentation will be given by leading experts in the field.

FREE of Charge

Key skills to improve surgical quality and safety

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and Facts, Views & Vision organise a webinar entitled: Key Skills to improve surgical quality and safety, organised by The ESGE Special Interest Group (SIG) Quality, Safety & Legal Aspects. The presentation will be given by leading experts in the field.

FREE of Charge

Dysmorphic (T-, Y- or I-SHAPE) uterus and reproductive outcomes

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

The ESGE, Special Interest Groups (SIG) Hysteroscopy and Reproductive Surgery in Collaboration with ESGE Official Journal Facts, Views & Vision present: Dysmorphic (T-, Y- or I-SHAPE) uterus and reproductive outcomes. The presentation will be given by leading experts in the field.

FREE of Charge


Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

The ESGE Special Interest Group (SIG) Hysteroscopy in Collaboration with ESGE Official Journal Facts, Views & Vision present: HYSTEROSCOPY: BACK TO BASICS.
The presentation will be given by leading experts in the field.

FREE of Charge

The perfect match sonography and surgery for Endometriosis

ESGE | EEL | ISUOG Joint Online Course

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and its Official Journal Facts, Views & Vision

host this Joint Online Course together with the European Endometriosis League (EEL) and the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)

The presentations are given by leading experts in the field.

Price: 150euro (ex VAT)

Caesarean Scar Pregnancy: Diagnosis and Therapy

Recordings of the ESGE Webinar

SOON Available On Demand

Free of charge
