Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE,

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and its official journal Facts, Views & Vision are pleased to announce a webinar on Controversies in Deep Endometriosis: Facts, Views and Vision which will take place on 28th of April 2022. The presentations will be given by leading experts. An opportunity not to be missed!

Registration | Programme

Date: 28th April 2022

Time: 19:00 - 20:30 CET

Price: 20 euro plus VAT

The latest issue (Vol. 14, Issue 1, March 2022) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official of journal of ESGE, is out now.

Some highlights:

How to implement environmental sustainability in the OR in gynaecology: to measure is to know

K.E. Van Nieuwenhuizen, F.W. Jansen

How to dissect the pelvic nerves: from microanatomy to surgical rules. An evidence-based clinical review

A. Aleksandrov, A.V. Smith, R. Botchorishvili, B. Rabischong

Infantile or hypoplastic uterus? A proposal for a modification to the ESHRE/ESGE classification of female genital tract congenital abnormalities

T. Küçük, B. Ata

Reproductive performance following hysteroscopic treatment of intrauterine adhesions: single surgeon data

L.S. Direk, M. Salman, A. Alchami, E. Saridogan

The first European gynaecological procedure with the new surgical robot Hugo™ RAS. A total hysterectomy and salpingo- oophorectomy in a woman affected by BRCA-1 mutation

G. Monterossi, L. Pedone Anchora, S. Gueli Alletti, A. Fagotti, F. Fanfani, G. Scambia

Wednesday, 30th March 2022, 19h00

Join the BSGE to hear world leaders discuss current classifications of Mullerian anomalies.

Register now for free

The ESGE Advisory Board Elections applications for 2022 have closed and voting is now open for ESGE members.  Members will receive a unique link to vote from the voting platform directly.

In case you have not received this link or in case you have further questions, please send an e-mail to the ESGE Central Office:

Deadline for voting:  Monday 11th April 2022

We are pleased to inform you that the webinar Demonstration with Cadaveric Dissection, Pelvic Anatomy for Gynaecological Surgery: All you need to know on Retroperitoneum and Pelvic Nerves is now available on demand!

on Thursday 3rd March 2022 The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and its official journal Facts, Views and Vision organised a cadaveric dissection demonstration webinar on Pelvic anatomy for gynaecological surgery: all you need to know on retroperitoneum and pelvic nerves.

If you missed the opportunity to view this webinar live, you can now register to view the on demand version and for those who were present live , you can revisit the webinar at any time. 

Price: EUR 20 + VAT

We are pleased to present another issue of ESGEVISION, full of news and information related to our society and gynaecological endoscopy. The ESGE was proud to be able to hold the first and largest onsite Congress after the pandemic in Rome in October 2021

You will find a summary of activities from the Congress, prepared by the member of the Congress Team Dr Federica Campolo. Our next Congress is going to Lisbon in October this year. Lisbon was going to be our venue in 2020 but this had to be postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Rhona O’Flaherty, our very able General Manager, gives you a description of our plans for the ESGE 31st Annual Congress in Lisbon. We have two very important interviews in this issue of ESGEVISION. 

One of these is with Professor Hans Brölmann, one of our past presidents. Hans talked to us about his personal professional journey, which gives us some insight into the history of endoscopic surgery in Europe, and the history of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy. The second interview is with Professor Ranjit Manchanda who gave one of the keynote lectures at the ESGE 30th Annual Congress on ‘Risk reducing strategies for ovarian cancer’. The interview provides a very useful resume of current and future approaches to prevent ovarian cancer and the philosophy of prevention strategies.

The current issue is again full of news from ESGE Special Interest Groups, Working Groups and our Corporate Societies. I hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to seeing many of you again in Lisbon.

Ertan Sarıdoğan


Dear friends and colleagues 

We are happy to announce and welcome you to the 2022 ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme, in Portugal from 28th - 30th September 2022. 

The selected participants will have the opportunity to experience the Exchange in numerous Portuguese cities such as Lisbon, Porto, Gaia, Coimbra, Braga, Viseu, Matosinhos and Faro

Our goal is to combine the experience of a thoroughly informative, challenging scientific programme with exploring aspects of the Portuguese daily lifestyle, such as the local cuisine and culture. We are excited about the days you will be staying with us. After the exchange we hope to all meet each other at the ESGE 31st Annual congress in Lisbon.

The ESGE-YEP Exchange brings together trainees from around Europe to improve standards, promote training and encourage research and exchange of information in gynaecological endoscopy

Registration YEP Exchange

ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme Portugal 2022

Registration: we can host one trainee from each YEP member country on the ESGE-YEP Exchange from 28th till 30th of September 2022. For any inquiries, please send an e-mail to The deadline for registration to the ESGE-YEP Exchange will be the Early Bird Congress Deadline: 13th July 2022. Price €100 per selected Exchangee* (to be paid via bank transfer upon selection for the exchange place). *Flights, Accomodation, Visa (if applicable), food and beverage; at cost of the Exchangee.

  • City of Preference for Exchange

    * Please choose one city that carries your preference
  • Upload Motivation Letter and CV

    Please upload a Motivation letter and CV
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.

Host Country

Portugal is a country whose mainland is located on the Iberian Peninsula, in Southwestern Europe, and whose territory also includes the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira. It features the westernmost point in mainland Europe and its Iberian portion is bordered to the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean and to the north and east by Spain, the sole country to have a land border with Portugal. Portugal is the oldest continuously existing nation state on the Iberian Peninsula and one of the oldest in Europe, its territory having been continuously settled, invaded, and fought over since prehistoric times.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal established the first global maritime and commercial empire, becoming one of the world's major economic, political, and military powers. Portugal has left a profound cultural, architectural, and linguistic influence across the globe, with a legacy of around 250 million Portuguese speakers, and many Portuguese-based creoles. It is a developed country with an advanced economy and high living standards. Additionally, it ranks highly in peacefulness, democracy, press freedom, stability, social progress, prosperity, and English proficiency.

ESGE-YEP Exchange Programme

The 'Exchangees' are encouraged to arrive on Tuesday evening (27th September) and stay until Friday 30th of September in their host hospital. During the working hours, the 'Exchangees' will be in the hospital with their contact person. After the hospital’s hours, the social programme will include sightseeing tours, integration in the city culture and lifestyle, enjoying daily life, etc. The scope and type of the social programme might vary from city to city.   

ESGE 31st Annual Congress 2022

All the Exchangees are welcome to join the Sessions designed for young doctors on Sunday the 2nd of October during the ESGE Annual Congress, taking place in the Lisbon Congress Centre.

Practical Information and Deadline


We are happy to host one trainee from each YEP member country on the ESGE-YEP Exchange from 28th till 30th of September 2022. For any inquiries, feel free to contact

The deadline for registration to:

ESGE-YEP Exchange will be the Early Bird Congress Deadline:

 13th July 2022.


The registration price for the selected ESGE-YEP Exchangee is €100 per Exchangee* *Flights, Accomodation, Visa (if applicable), food and beverage; at cost of the Exchangee


From 28th September 2022 to 30th October 2022.

Centers for the Exchange Programme

Porto (Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto)

Porto (Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João Gaia (Trofa Saúde) Matosinhos (Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos)

Coimbra (CHUC)

Braga (Hospital de Braga)

Faro (2 exchangers)

Lisboa (Hospital da Luz)

Lisboa (Hospital dos Lusíadas)

Viseu (Centro Hospitalar Viseu-Tondela).


Porto, Braga, Viseu, Lisbon, and Coimbra (estimated cost between €50 - €90 per night).  

Don't miss the opportunity to become part of the ESGE Young Doctors Community!

The ESGE, as a medical and scientific society with women’s healthcare as it’s primary concern, share the concerns expressed by the World Health Organisation and all other medical and healthcare organisations, following the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

Our thoughts are with the men, women and children of Ukraine, all innocent victims in this conflict.

Our sincere hope is for a peaceful resolution for the benefit of all mankind.

Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, Official Journal of ESGE – ePublication ahead of print

Endometriosis classification systems: an international survey to map current knowledge and uptake

Keywords: Endometriosis, infertility, classification, staging, reporting, survey, revised American Society for Reproductive Medicine, endometriosis fertility index, ENZIAN

International Working group of AAGL, ESGE, ESHRE and WES, K.T. Zondervan, S. Missmer, M.S. Abrao, J.I. Einarsson, A.W. Horne, N.P. Johnson, T.T.M. Lee, J. Petrozza, C. Tomassetti, N. Vermeulen, G. Grimbizis, R.L. De Wilde

The abstract submission of the ESGE 31st Annual Congress taking place in Lisbon, Portugal on 2nd - 5th October 2022 opens today on 24th February and will close on 16th May 2022.


This year we ask abstract submitters to choose whether they want to qualify for one of the following two prestigious options:

1. You choose to qualify to be included to present in a Best Selected Oral/Video Session with the possibility to win a prize of Best Selected Oral or Best Selected Video Abstract.


2. You choose to qualify for your abstract to be selected for presentation in a Plenary Session (Oral/Video) and receive a certificate of presentation in a plenary session. 

This year there will also be Awards for the following:

  • Best Selected ePoster 
  • Best Selected YEP abstract
  • Best Selected PHD abstract
  • Best Selected journal article
  • Best Selected Abstract from Portugal  


  • Laparoscopic surgery 
  • Hysteroscopic surgery 
  • Reproductive medicine and surgery 
  • Oncology 
  • Urogynaecology 
  • Technical innovation in minimal invasive surgery 
  • Endometriosis and Adenomyosis (new!) 
  • Fibroids, including morcellation or tissue extraction 
  • Imaging 
  • Complications in surgery 
  • Teaching and training 
  • Robotics (new!)

More information can be found on our congress website:
If you have questions please contact:

Looking forward to receiving your abstracts!   The registration deadline to Congress for abstract submitters is 13th July 2022. 
