15th February 2023

ESGE Advisory Board Elections 2023 | Applications Open

Advisory Board Elections 2023

The ESGE Advisory Board is the entry gate to the decision-making process of our Society. This democratic election process is now open for all ESGE members, except candidates from Belgium, Greece and UK this year as the representation for each country is limited to maximum two board members from the total of 16 and there are currently two Belgian, Greek and British Advisory Board Members. In March 2023 the elections will take place to fill 4 vacancies on the Advisory Board for the term 2023 - 2027. If interested, please send your curriculum vitae, photo and the nomination form (*), duly completed, to the ESGE Central Office ( not later than 7th March, 2023. Please remember that all candidates and supporters must be paid-up ESGE members. After the nomination phase, an electronic voting system will be opened to all full ESGE members (including members of the Corporate Member Societies). The first 4 elected will seat in the Advisory Board. We will collect the votes before end of March 2023. The results will be submitted to the Executive Board in April 2023.


  • (Please complete with Position held, Hospital and/or University, five lines indicating your professional activities and appointments)
  • Nomination Form

    Your nomination should be supported by four paid-up ESGE members. Please complete the list underneath in order to allow the ESGE Central Office to contact your supporters by e-mail. All supporters and nominees must be registered members of the Society. An assigned Advisory Board Member may not hold any board seat in other International acting medical societies during the term.
  • Last name + First name, Country of your Supporter 1
  • Last name + First name, Country of your Supporter 2
  • Last name + First name, Country of your Supporter 3
  • Last name + First name, Country of your Supporter 4
  • Upload Curriculum Vitae

    In order to be included in the list of Candidates for election to the Advisory Board, please upload a short Curriculum Vitae by March 7th 2023.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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