19th March 2024

ESGE I AAGL I Joint Webinars I 8th and 29th April 2024 I Registration Open

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE and AAGL,

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL)
are pleased to announce the upcomig webinars in April:

Monday April 8th 2024 | 6:00PM CEST

Role of Hysteroscopy in Imporving the Diagnostic Accuracy of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)


Anatomic Contributions to the AUB: The Role of Hysteroscopy in Diagnosis - Howard Curlin (AAGL)

Ultrasound and Hysteroscopy: Against or Together? - Luis Alonso Pacheco (ESGE)

How to Eliminate Blind Procedures - Jonava Tavcar (AAGL)

Moderated by:

Linda D. Bradley (AAGL) and Ursula Catena (ESGE)


Monday April 29 2024 | 6:00PM CEST

Role of Hysteroscopy in Treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)


Retained Products of Conception: Space for Hysteroscopic Treatment - T. Justin Clark

The Resectoscope for Intrauterine Pathology and When to Choose it Over Morcellating Devices - Hannah French

Fertility Sparing Treatment in Early Endometrial Cancer - Paolo Casdio

Moderated by:

Erica F. Robinson (AAGL) and Ursula Catena (ESGE)

