5th July 2022

ESGE in collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn presents: Uterine niches: Controversies in diagnosis and management | Available Now on Demand

Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE

We are pleased to inform you that the webinar of ESGE in collaboration with Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn:

Uterine niches: Controversies in diagnosis and management, organised by the ESGE Niche Working Group is now available on demand!

ESGE/FVVO Webinar Experts Faculty:


Prof. E. Saridogan & Michelle Nisolle (BE)


Attilio Di Spiezio Sardo (IT)

 Judith Huirne (NL)

Robert De Leeuw (NL)

Olivier Donnez (FR)

If you missed the opportunity to view this webinar live, you can now register to view the on demand version and for those who were present live, you can revisit the webinar at any time.

Price: EUR 20 + VAT

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