2nd October 2021

Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn Issue 3, 2021

The latest issue (Vol. 13, Issue 3, September 2021) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official of journal of ESGE, is out.

Some highlights:

Editorial: We should stop calling hysteroscopic tissue removal systems ‘morcellators’

E. Saridogan

The severity and frequency distribution of endometriosis subtypes at different ages: a model to understand the natural history of endometriosis based on single centre/single surgeon data 

P.R. Koninckx, A. Ussia, A. Wattiez, L. Adamyan, D.C. Martin, S. Gordts 

4K versus 3D total laparoscopic hysterectomy by resident in training: a prospective randomised trial

S. Restaino, V. Vargiu, A. Rosati, M. Bruno, G. Dinoi, E. Cola, R. Moroni, G. Scambia, F. Fanfani 

Impact of surgeon learning curve in minimally invasive radical hysterectomy on early stage cervical cancer patient survival

L. Pedone Anchora, N. Bizzarri, V. Gallotta, V. Chiantera, F. Fanfani, A. Fogotti, F. Cosentino, G. Vizzielli, V. Carbone, G. Ferrandina, G. Scambia 

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