4th July 2023

Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn Vol. 15 Issue 2, June 2023 Out Now!

The latest issue (Vol. 15, Issue 2, June 2023) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!


Statistics, truth finding and predictions: what every gynaecologist and researcher should know

P. R. Koninckx, A. Wattiez, E. Saridogan


The use of a short course of Ulipristal Acetate for acute abnormal uterine bleeding in women without uterine fibroids

I. Lambrecht, T. Van den Bosch

Eyes, menstruation and endometriosis

S. Rahman, Y. Youssef, G. Maroun, D. Inaty, M.H. Kheil, G. Moawad


M. Frijlingh, R.A. de Leeuw, L.J.M. Juffermans, T. van den Bosch, J.A.F. Huirne

The value of pre-operative outpatient flexible sigmoidoscopy in patients with deep infiltrating endometriosis

T. Sewell, M. Orchard, O. O’Donovan, R.J. Longman

Validation of the Turkish version of Endometriosis Health Profile questionnaire (EHP-30) to evaluate the quality of life in women with endometriosis

E. Darici, M. N. C. Kemahlı, P. Y. Bahat, B. Yücel, E. Oral

Live birth rate per transfer is not impacted by the proportion of smooth endoplasmatic reticulum aggregates oocytes

A. Spileers, I. De Croo, D. Stoop, F. Vanden Meerschaut


MRI enhances the understanding of critical anatomy during primary laparoscopic port placement

E.A. Layden, R.R. Chodankar, L.E. Kershaw, M. Madhra


Laparoscopic repair of an anterior perineal hernia: a video presentation

I. Furuie, A. Quevedo, P. Tovar, F. Santos, M. Zomer, G. Castro, W. Kondo

Laparoscopic management of a second trimester ruptured spontaneous heterotopic tubal
pregnancy mimicking ovarian tumour, a case report

N. Kathopoulis, M. Diakosavvas, K. Kypriotis, I. Chatzipapas, E. Domali, A. Protopapas

Vaginal Leiomyomas - Safe steps for laparoscopic removal: feasibility from 3 case reports

E. Giovannopoulou, S. Kogeorgos, A. Lazaridis, G. Pistofidis

Complete uterine septum, double cervix, and longitudinal vaginal septum: an integrated approach for one-stop diagnosis and ultrasound-guided endoscopic treatment

F. Pozzati, M. Mirandola, G. Topozouva, L. Parodi, A. Carla Testa, G. Scambia, U. Catena

Laparoscopic suture sacrohysteropexy: A meshless uterine-sparing technique for surgical management of uterine prolapse

N. Thanatsis, M. Ben Zvi, A.S. Kupelian, A. Vashisht


Partial bicorporeal uterus with unexpected cervical findings and a longitudinal obstructing vaginal septum – a case report

H. Ahmad, B. Pouseele

Pudendal Neuralgia: Two case reports with laparoscopic nerve decompression

N. Habib, J. S. Klebanoff, R. Fernandes, M. Giorgi, G. N. Moawad, J. Bakar

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