The latest issue (Vol. 15, Issue 3, September 2023) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!
Evidence-based and experience-based medicine, which comes first:
the chicken or the egg?
B. Ata, E. Saridogan
Minimally invasive pelvic exenteration for gynaecological malignancies:
the challenge of patients’ selection
N. Bizzarri, V. Chiantera, M. Loverro, A. Ercoli, G. Vizzielli, G. Scambia
A. Wattiez, L. Schindler, A. Ussia, R. Campo, J. Keckstein, G. Grimbizis,
C. Exacoustos, W. Kondo, C. Nezhat, M. Canis, R.L. De Wilde, C. Miller, A. Fazel,
B. Rabischong, A. Graziottin, P.R. Koninckx
F.H.M.P. Tummers, S.F.P.J. Coppus, B.W. Lagerveld, A. Demirkiran,
E.S. van Schrojenstein Lantman, T.A. Brouwer, W.A. Draaisma, F.W. Jansen
S. Khazali, A. Bachi, T.T. Carpenter, A. Moors, K. Ballard
K. Aslan, T.B. Gurbuz, A. Orhan, I. Kasapoglu, K. Ozerkan, G. Uncu
M. Tahapary*, S. Timmerman*, A. Ledger, K. Dewilde, W. Froyman
H. Khattak, F. Broekhurst, G. Topcu, A. Horala, M. Henriques, H. Woodman
P. Español, A. Luzarraga, N. Teixeira, C. Soler, R. Luna-Guibourg, R. Rovira
Practice of laparoscopic prolapse surgery in Europe – ESGE Survey
B. Lambert, L. de Landsheere, GK. Noé, R. Devassy, H. Ferreira, J. Dubuisson,
J. Deprest, R. Botchorishvili
J. Druenne, E. Presles, T. Corsini, S. Campagne Loiseau, S. Curinier,
A. Mansour, G. Lamblin, Q. Reboul, C. Chauleur
Isthmocele correction: resectoscopic, laparoscopic or both?
C. Smet, B. Nogueira, D. Vilarinho, I. Rodrigues, J. Reis