14th December 2023

Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn Vol. 15 Issue 4, December 2023 Out Now!

The latest issue (Vol. 15, Issue 4, December 2023) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!

The latest issue (Vol. 15, Issue 4, December 2023) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official journal of ESGE, is out now and available online!


Postoperative adhesions: are we close to finding a solution?

P.R. Koninckx, E. Saridogan, V. Gomel


Perspectives in adhesion prevention in gynaecological surgery

L. A. Torres-de la Roche, U. Catena, T. J. Clark, R. Devassy, N. Leyland, R. L. De Wilde


Clinical guidelines for managing menopausal symptoms in women with (a history of) breast cancer

J. Servayge, A.C. Verduyn, A. Page, L. Lagaert, W.A.A. Tjalma


Junctional zone thickening: an endo-myometrial unit disorder

S. Gordts, G. Grimbizis, V. Tanos, P. Koninckx, R. Campo


The importance of rotation to teach secure half-hitch sequences in surgery

A. Romeo, I. Cipullo, W. Kondo, C. Benedetto, B. Amro, A. Ussia, A. Wattiez, P.R. Koninckx

Postoperative Peritoneal Granulomatous Inflammation After the Application of Potato Starch-Based Anti-Adhesive Agent in Laparoscopic Endometriosis Surgery

H. Krentel, A. Naem, A. Tannapfel, R. Devassy, A.S. Constantin, R.L. De Wilde

The new surgical robot Hugo™ RAS for total hysterectomy: a pilot study

G. Monterossi, L. Pedone Anchora, R. Oliva, A. Fagotti, F. Fanfani, B. Costantini, A. Naldini, D. Giannarelli,
G. Scambia


Cavernous haemangioma and mid trimester pregnancy loss leading to severe haemorrhage and hysterectomy: a case report and review of literature

A. Gallo, R. D’Alisa, V. Foreste, G. Saccone, M.C. De Angelis, A. Di Spiezio Sardo, B. Zizolfi

Xanthogranulomatous endometritis 

A. Morales Vicente, Y. García Sánchez, N. Santonja López, J. Gilabert Estellés


Suture-fixation of a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device under hysteroscopic guidance

P.G. Paul, M. Shah, V. Sridivya Chowdary, A. Anusha Raaj, G. Paul

En-block butterfly excision of posterior compartment deep endometriosis: The first experience with the new surgical robot Hugo™ RAS

M. Pavone, M. Goglia, F. Campolo, G. Scambia, M.M. Ianieri

Laparoscopic Posterior Vaginal Plication plus Sacral Colpopexy for Severe Posterior Vaginal Prolapse: a Step-by-Step Video- Article

A. Morciano, G. Scambia, A. Tinelli, G. Marzo

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