ESGE SIG Member Application

To apply as a candidate for a SIG, the following criteria are required: 1) To be a current ESGE member 2) To be candidate to one or two SIGs maximum 3) To send a motivation letter and Curriculum to the ESGE Executive Board, the SIG coordinator, and the SIG Chair The SIG Coordinating Committee is responsible for the selection taking into consideration that a maximum number of countries should be represented. Any paid member of ESGE can be a candidate for SIG Chair after having received signed support of three current ESGE members. After we receive your (complete) application, the SIG Coordinating Committee will review your documents and we will come back to you as soon as possible. If you have questions with regards to your application, please contact

  • (ESGE) Membership and Subject(s) of Special Interest

    * An active membership is mandatory for your application
    Please select all relevant subjects of your interest
  • Upload Motivation Letter and CV

    Please upload a Motivation letter and CV
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
  • Document of Support

    Please upload the signed document of support by three paid ESGE members: Download here
  • Max. file size: 512 MB.
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