
Working Groups

Niches WG

WG Niches Chair:

J. Huirne

WG Niches Members:

A. Di Spiezio Sardo, O. Donnez, E.Saridogan, O. Naji, M. Dueholm, D. Timmerman, T. Van Den Bosch, P. Barri, D. Jurkovic, J. Clark, M.O Connor, H. Brolmann, T. Bourne, R. Mashiach, W. Hehenkamp, Goldenburg, R. De Leeuw, Agten, T. Cok, R. Aliyeva, Z. Tkacz, J. Zhang

WG Niches Projects:

1. Delphi procedure on US evaluation and definitions of niche pregnancies
2. Delphi procedure on niche registration form for hysteroscopic evaluation
3. Delphi procedure on US evaluation of niches during pregnancy
4. Development of a guideline on treatment options in case of niche pregnancies
5. Define a position paper on the relevance of niches
6. Evaluation of the e-learning program in the US evaluation of niches
7. Guideline for niche therapies in non-pregnant women

SIG Projects completed 2019 and 2020:

Delphi & guidelines on ultrasound evaluation of the niche in non-pregnant patient: UOG’19
Delphi on cesarean pregnancy classification: paper submitted IUG 2020
Delphi on niche measurement during pregnancy: first rounds completed

Papers in process, submitted or published in ESGE Journal:

Evaluation of a niche in the uterine cesarean scar
Niche classification by hysteroscopy and registration form

SIG Projects completed 2021:

Delphi on CS pregnancy classification: paper submitted UOG 2021
Delphi on niche measurement during pregnancy: first rounds completed

SIG Projects planned 2021 and 2022:

Development guideline on niche therapy in symptomatic patients
Development guideline on treatment of CSP

Papers in process, submitted or published in ESGE Journal:

Evaluation of a niche in the uterine CS scar
Niche classification by hysteroscopy and registration form

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