SIG Chair:
F. Fanfani
SIG Members:
L. Mereu, F. Narducci, V. Zanagnolo, C. Lavazzo, D. Raimondo, L. de Landsheere, T. Simoncini, T. Hebert, R.A. de Leeuw, D. Balafoutas
SIG Project:
Meta-analysis on R-LPS for 1) benign gynaecological disease, and 2) deep infiltrating endometriosis
Project description:
The project will perform a literature Meta-analysis on robotic-assisted laparoscopy (RLPS)for hysterectomy in benign conditions and for deep infiltrating endometriosis (DIE). To date there are a lot of data about R-LPS in gynaecological oncologic disease, with specific advantage showed only for obese patients with early endometrial cancer. In order to evaluate the potential interest to design prospective trials, an analysis of the present literature will be performed.
SIG Projects completed 2019 and 2020:
Active collaboration with SERGS
Legal agreement for the creation of robotic curriculum in the GESEA
ESGE-SERGS session at the ESGE annual congress
Papers in process, submitted or published in ESGE Journal:
Sentinel lymph node detection in endometrial cancer with indocyanine green: laparoscopic versus robotic approach
Bizzarri N. et al - in process of publishing in Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn (Vol. 13, Issue 1, 2021)
Activities 2021:
Definition of MoU for the introduction of robotic curriculum in the GESEA Educational Programme
ESGE-SERGS session at this ESGE Annual Congress (5th October).
Comparison between laparoscopic and robotic surgery in elderly patients with endometrial cancer: a retrospective multicentric study. Frontiers in Oncology (IF: 6.244). Robotics SIG Authors F. Fanfani & L. Mereu