To REGISTER for the GESEA L1 Certification Session


request additional information,

please contact the GESEA Diploma Centre via:


ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.

To REGISTER for the GESEA Level 1 Suturing Course


request additional information,

please contact the GESEA Diploma Centre via:


ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.

To REGISTER for the GESEA Level 1 Suturing Course


request additional information,

please contact the GESEA Diploma Centre via:


ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.

To REGISTER for the GESEA L1 or L2 Certification


request additional information,

please contact the GESEA Diploma Centre via:


ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.

To register for Basic & Advanced Gynaecological Minimal- Access Surgery  Traning Course, please click below:




ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.

Dear friends and colleagues,

ESGE is delighted to announce the official launch of the new GESEA4EU project which will expand the offer of standardised training and certification in the important field of Gynaecological Endoscopy

About the Project

Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) is a structured educational programme for Gynaecological Endoscopy providing training, certification and skill advancement leading to surgical competence. GESEA4EU is a two year project supported by the European Union that will standardise the GESEA training offer already provided to surgeons and expand it to meet the training needs of other healthcare professionals including nurses and supporting non-clinical staff.

This innovative cross-border project brings together sixteen partners from eight European countries who will expand the existing GESEA offer in twelve centres to nine new centres in Northern and Eastern Europe.

“The importance of training in endoscopic surgery is undisputed and so the creation of an international project involving 15 different countries is a great source of pride for our society.” Dr. Federica Campolo, GESEA4EU coordinator, ESGE/Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli, Italy.

"Preparatory activities for standardising training have started. Our first efforts are going into mapping the diverse simulation training tools, methods and programmes currently employed at GESEA Training and Diploma Centres in the Consortium.” Dr. Istvan Argay, European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery (EAGS)

Click below to go to webpage:

Hands-on training in four hysteroscopic surgical techniques on realistic animal models developed by MIS Academy Europe.


please click below or contact  MIS ACADEMY  EUROPE via 

for registration and additional information.



ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.


Dear colleagues and friends of ESGE,

The European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) and The Special Interest Group (SIG) Education and Training organise a webinar entitled:

Step-by-Step approach to becoming a MIGS Expert following GESEA Programme pathway

The presentation will be given by leading experts in the field.

Join us for this webinar!

Date: 9th February 2023

Time: 19:00 – 20:30 CET

Price: FREE of charge

Please click below to register and to view the webinar programme:

To REGISTER for the GESEA  L1 Certification Session


request additional information,

please contact click below:

REGISTRATION & Information


ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.

To REGISTER for the GESEA L2 Certification Session


request additional information,

please contact click below:

REGISTRATION & Information


ALL PARTICIPANTS must obtain a GESEA e-Learning Certificate via

in the respective level prior to the GESEA Session that they are participating in.
