Registration is now open and the Preliminary Scientific Programme* is online for the ESGE 30th Annual Congress which will take place as a hybrid event (onsite in Rome, Italy and virtually transmitted), on 3rd-5th October 2021.    

The Scientific Committee has developed a programme to offer the participants three days of high quality, evidence-based topics and Live Surgeries from contemporary developments in various disciplines of Gynaecological Endoscopy.    

On Sunday 3rd October the morning programme will begin with Pre-Congress Courses on popular topics such as Hysteroscopy, Endometriosis, Neuropelveology and Access to Pelvic Sidewall, of which the latter two include cadaveric dissection demonstration! A GESEA Train the Trainer PC Course will also be available for a limited number of participants.    

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th October GESEA certification exams for Level 1 (Bachelor) and Level 2 (MIGS) are planned.   To provide participants with the best of both worlds, three parallel sessions will be live streamed each day from the Congress venue, and the content will be made available on the virtual congress platform to participants throughout the Congress and afterwards on-demand until the end of December 2021.     

Abstract Submission closes 17th May 2021!  

The official Abstract Submission for the ESGE 30th Annual Congress closes on 17th May 2021 Midnight CET. Grab your chance and contribute to the world of gynaecological endoscopy with your scientific work and research. This year you can submit an oral, video or ePoster abstract, as well as PHD abstracts. We will award the Best Selected Abstracts this year during our Award Ceremony on Tuesday 5th October!*Preliminary programme, please bear in mind changes can occur.

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