14th October 2021

Thank you for your participation to the ESGE 30th Annual Congress – Access the Virtual Platform to relive your experience

We would like to thank you for your participation at the ESGE 30th Annual Congress (3rd-5th October 2021) this year and send you our appreciation for your contribution to a successful hybrid congress. We hope you had an enriching experience. 

You can prolong your experience until 31st December 2021 by logging in to the Virtual Platform of the ESGE 30th Annual Congress. You can use the credentials you received before. On the Virtual Congress Platform you will find all plenary sessions, keynote lectures, live surgeries, industry symposia, Best Selected Abstracts and Videos, Free Communications (Oral pre-recordings) and ePosters, and last but not least, the Certificate of Attendance and the EACCME Evaluation.  

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