Details of the scientific sessions over the three Congress days can be viewed online! 

The scientific programme offers this year: 

Hot Topic Pre-Congress courses 

Cadaveric Dissection Demonstrations

Live Surgeries

Train the Trainer

Pre-Congress Courses

GESEA Certification 

Topical lectures 

Best Selected Abstracts

Three parallel sessions Live stream

Virtual Congress Platform

Awards Ceremony

and much more!

* Programme and session halls are subject to change.

In memoriam of Professor Alberto Fradique

It is with great sadness we mourn the passing of Professor Alberto Fradique.

Professor Fradique was well known for his innovations in gynaecological endoscopy and a reference for ambulatory operative hysteroscopy up to this day.

A book of condolence has been created and we invite you to post your messages.

The Advisory Board Elections have closed and the results are as follows:

Elected for the term 2021 - 2025:

  • Diego Raimondo             Italy
  • Filipa Osorio                    Portugal
  • Patrice Crochet               France
  • Taner Usta                       Turkey

Appointed as Overseas Advisory Board Member, North America

Professor Jon Einarsson              

The ESGE advisory Board Elections are closed. It's not possible to vote anymore. For more information you can contact

This issue of ESGEVISION comes out at a time we are still living through the coronavirus pandemic. We have lived and worked under exceptional circumstances for more than a year now. Vaccination programmes are making a significant impact on the suffering, but some parts of the world are still experiencing the burden of the disease. Meanwhile, educational and training activities have taken a different shape and an increased number of virtual programmes have demonstrated our resilience. 

ESGEVISION is again full of news and interesting information related to our field. Firstly, we are preparing for our next ESGE Congress which is due to take place in Rome on 3-5 October 2021. The Congress is planned as a "hybrid" meeting so that both "virtual" and "on site" attendance will be possible. As usual, a very rich programme has been put together and you can find further details of the programme by using the link in the article prepared by the Congress Team. 

You will also find two interviews in this issue. The first one is an interview with one of the pioneers of gynaecological endoscopic and microsurgery. Professor Victor Gomel. Victor Gomel talked to ESGEVISION about the years when foundations of our field were being laid down. The second interview is with Professor Frank Willem Jansen who was one of the keynote lecturers at the ESGE Live 2020 event. He gave an interesting lecture on "sustainability of minimally invasive surgery operating theatre". The interview covers important aspects of his lecture and touches upon a subject many of us have never thought about. 

Global Community of Hysteroscopy (GCH) is a rapidly expanding entity which has followers from all parts of the world. The expansion is probably the result of a combination of factors including increased availability of the range of equipment which allow outpatient hysteroscopic therapies without general anaesthesia and replacement of major abdominal procedures with less invasive hysteroscopic alternatives. The leaders of the GCH have written an article in this issue highlighting the changes we are seeing in this part of gynaecological endoscopic surgery. 

The new president of ESGE, Professor Giovanni Scambia, has written his first article for ESGEVISION. In his article he highlights the significance of training in gynaecological endoscopic surgery. 

I thank all contributors and hope that you enjoy reading ESGEVISION. I look forward to seeing many of you in Rome, in person!

Ertan Sarıdoğan, Editor, ESGE-VISION 

The advisory board elections are open. If you require more information on voting, please contact

Registration is now open and the Preliminary Scientific Programme* is online for the ESGE 30th Annual Congress which will take place as a hybrid event (onsite in Rome, Italy and virtually transmitted), on 3rd-5th October 2021.    

The Scientific Committee has developed a programme to offer the participants three days of high quality, evidence-based topics and Live Surgeries from contemporary developments in various disciplines of Gynaecological Endoscopy.    

On Sunday 3rd October the morning programme will begin with Pre-Congress Courses on popular topics such as Hysteroscopy, Endometriosis, Neuropelveology and Access to Pelvic Sidewall, of which the latter two include cadaveric dissection demonstration! A GESEA Train the Trainer PC Course will also be available for a limited number of participants.    

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th October GESEA certification exams for Level 1 (Bachelor) and Level 2 (MIGS) are planned.   To provide participants with the best of both worlds, three parallel sessions will be live streamed each day from the Congress venue, and the content will be made available on the virtual congress platform to participants throughout the Congress and afterwards on-demand until the end of December 2021.     

Abstract Submission closes 17th May 2021!  

The official Abstract Submission for the ESGE 30th Annual Congress closes on 17th May 2021 Midnight CET. Grab your chance and contribute to the world of gynaecological endoscopy with your scientific work and research. This year you can submit an oral, video or ePoster abstract, as well as PHD abstracts. We will award the Best Selected Abstracts this year during our Award Ceremony on Tuesday 5th October!*Preliminary programme, please bear in mind changes can occur.

We are pleased to inform you that the webinar Alternatives to Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy is now available on demand!

On Saturday 24th April 2021 the SIG Urogynaecology of the ESGE - in collaboration with Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn - organised a webinar on Alternatives to Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy.

Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy is considered as the gold standard in management of pelvic organ prolapse. The aim of this webinar is to deliver topical lectures on alternatives to this technique with a panel of internationally recognized experts.

The ESGE Advisory Board is the entry gate to the decision making process of our Society.

​This democratic election process is now open for all ESGE members, except candidates from Switzerland, Greece and Germany this year as the representation for each country is limited to maximum two board members from the total of 16 and there are currently two Swiss, Greek and German Advisory Board Members.

In June 2021 the elections will take place to fill 4 vacancies on the Advisory Board for the term 2021 - 2025.

If interested, please send your curriculum vitae, photo and the nomination form (*), duly completed, to the ESGE Central Office ( not later than May 28th, 2021.

Please remember that all candidates and supporters must be paid-up ESGE members.

After the nomination phase, an electronic voting system will be opened to all full ESGE members (including members of the Corporate Member Societies).  The first 4 elected will seat in the Advisory Board.

We will collect the votes before end of June 2021. The results will then be submitted to the Executive Board.

Our abstract submission is open and we invite you to submit your abstract to the ESGE 30th Annual Congress. Share your scientific and clinical work in gynaecological endoscopy today!

Note in your agenda: some important deadlines:

Abstract Submission Deadline17th May
Abstract Review Deadline14th June
Notifications regarding abstract acceptance/rejection23rd June
Notifications regarding session title, day and time28th July 
Deadline for Early Bird Registration30th June

More information on how to submit an abstract? More information on the ESGE 30th Annual Congress (Onsite+Virtual)? Go:
