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22nd October 2021
Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn: Joint ePublications ahead of print

Endometriosis classification, staging and reporting systems: a review on the road to a universally accepted endometriosis classification   INTERNATIONAL WORKING GROUP OF AAGL, ESGE, ESHRE AND WES, N. VERMEULEN, M.S. […]

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14th October 2021
FACTS, VIEWS & VISION IN ObGyn Epub ahead of print: International Consensus Statement

International Consensus Statement for recommended terminology describing hysteroscopic procedures J. Carugno, G. Grimbizis, M. Franchini, L. Alonso, L. Bradley, R. Campo, U. Catena, C. De Angelis, A. Di Spiezio Sardo, M. […]

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14th October 2021
Thank you for your participation to the ESGE 30th Annual Congress – Access the Virtual Platform to relive your experience

We would like to thank you for your participation at the ESGE 30th Annual Congress (3rd-5th October 2021) this year and send you our appreciation for your contribution to a […]

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2nd October 2021
Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn Issue 3, 2021

The latest issue (Vol. 13, Issue 3, September 2021) of Facts, Views and Vision in ObGyn, the official of journal of ESGE, is out. Some highlights: Editorial: We should stop […]

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3rd September 2021
Book your GESEA Certification exam on the ESGE 30th Annual Congress

During the ESGE 30th Annual Congress 2021, held in Rome, we organise Bachelor Level 1 and MIGS Level 2 certification sessions*. The sessions will take place in the Gemelli Training […]

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3rd September 2021
ESGE 30th Annual Congress: discover the Scientific Programme Day by Day

Details of the scientific sessions over the three Congress days can be viewed online!  The scientific programme offers this year:  Hot Topic Pre-Congress courses  Cadaveric Dissection Demonstrations Live Surgeries Train […]

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25th August 2021
In memorium | Professor Alberto Fradique

In memoriam of Professor Alberto Fradique † It is with great sadness we mourn the passing of Professor Alberto Fradique. Professor Fradique was well known for his innovations in gynaecological […]

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9th July 2021
Advisory Board Elections Results

The Advisory Board Elections have closed and the results are as follows: Elected for the term 2021 - 2025: Diego Raimondo             Italy Filipa Osorio                    Portugal Patrice Crochet               France Taner Usta                       […]

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1st July 2021
Advisory Board Elections Closed

The ESGE advisory Board Elections are closed. It's not possible to vote anymore. For more information you can contact

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24th June 2021
ESGE VISION Issue 5 Out now

This issue of ESGEVISION comes out at a time we are still living through the coronavirus pandemic. We have lived and worked under exceptional circumstances for more than a year […]

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